V4RL Datasets
V4RL Code Releases
- Code: MemCDT
- Code: COVINS
- Code: Event-based Feature Tracking
- Code: Multi-robot Coordination for Autonomous Navigation in Partially Unknown Environments
- Aerial Single-view Depth Completion: Code + Datasets + Simulator
- Code: CCM-SLAM
- Code: Real-time Mesh-based Scene Estimation
- Code: Visual-Inertial Relative Pose Estimation for Aerial Vehicles
- Code: COVINS-G
V4RL Setup Release
The V4RL MAV hardward- and software-setups
At V4RL we recularly release our datasets, code and the setups that we use to encourage benchmarking. Here you can find our released setups, while this link details all our code releases, and this link lists all our datasets.
Combining our experiences of setting up drones for autonomous flights over the years, at V4RL, we are excited to release publicly our most current setup detailing both the software and hardware setups. These setups are freely available and can be accessed here.
Users of this dataset are asked to cite the following work, where this setup was introduced:
Yves Kompis, Luca Bartolomei and Margarita Chli, "Fully Autonomous Live 3D Reconstruction with an MAV: Hardware- and Software-Setup", Demonstration at the IEEE International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 2021. Research Collection